Friday, June 24, 2016

Amazon Orders and Price Shopping

In the last few months I have once again spent quite a bit of time searching, comparing, and eventually ordering, products off of Amazon.
For the most part its small stuff, like a new water bottle for myself. In a previous post I touted the benefits of my new plastic Contigo water bottle (and the ones I purchased for my kids). I decided that I needed to upgrade to a stainless steel version of the bottle because of how often I would leave it sitting in the car while I ran into the store, sitting around on the counter for several hours, outside in the heat, or more often, on my night stand all night long only to take a sip at 5 am and find it stale tasting and not all that cold. The stainless steel version has held up well to sitting in my car for an hour or so as well as all night long -provided I actually put a decent amount of ice in it. The lid structure is the same as my plastic one-top rack dishwasher safe, leak proof when the spout is closed but will spill the contents of the straw if tipped upside down with the spout open. The differences, aside from the obvious insulation, is that it is heavier so it takes a little time to be able to pick it up and tell if its close to empty or not, and it is hand-wash only. I don't mind that so much since mine is only  used for water and it gave me an excuse to personalize it with some vinyl lettering which is something I have never tried before.
I highly reccomend the stainless steel version, especially now that I have had both. The plastic water bottle was fine but I much prefer the benefits of the insulated steel version.
Buy it here on
As with many Amazon products, the price does change depending on the color you pick!
The version that my husband has, which does not have a straw, can be found here.
This one also changes price depending on color, although the difference as of this publishing is only $1.

Also on the list of things I purchased: LED string lights. These are actually really cool. Initially I was looking for your standard LED christmas lights- a short strand of 15-20 lights, green or white wires, white light.  While searching I stumbled upon these beauties.

They are pretty bright, which was good for my project since the container I was putting them in had a frosted coating over it. I love the fact that even on their own, as in without tulle to cover the wires, they still look pretty. The wire is not the thick white or green string on standard string lights, but is instead a thin copper that adds to the charm of the lights. Another reason I am glad I found these: they are battery powered. One of the downsides to those regular strands is that you project can't be lit unless it is close to an outlet and that is usually not the most attractive site, not to mention that you can't use your project as a centerpiece for a table or something like that. You also would have to deal with finding a way for the power cord to come out of your container. In my case I had my husband drill holes in the base of my glass bottles or blocks, but with the battery pack that these strands have, you can actually put the whole thing inside a bowl, a lantern....just about anything. No drilling. No ugly chord coming out of the top or the side..and you can move it anywhere.
To order these super useful lights click here and let your imagination run wild as you come up with dozens of ways to use them!

And last, but not least, I thought I'd mention some gel pens I ordered. I jumped aboard the adult coloring book train and at first I was using colored pencils. Then I saw someone using gel pens in their books and I thought it was a great idea. So after searching thru different pen sets, weighing price and number of pens, looking over user reviews, and kinda crossing my fingers, I ordered the LolliZ Gel Pens.
It comes with 48 pens including glitter gel, metallic, standard, milky, neon, and swirl. Now, It appears so far that the milky and swirl don't work as well (which I believe was stated in the reviews of these pens as well as others) but the metallic, glitter, and standard pens work amazingly well. I ordered them at the end of May and a few of them are starting to run out a little less than a month into it. Keep in mind that not only am I using them, but so are some of my kids and a few guests who decided to take a whack at coloring with them. All in all I am happy with the purchase considering I spent $9.99 for them. I will consider buying a more expansive set in the future and I would not be opposed to sticking with this brand. Check the pens out or order them here.

Next on the list of purchases I will be making, a couple of which will most likely be on; an infant car seat for our new little one due in August, a new convertible/booster seat for our 4 year old, and an infant video monitor. Amazon offers you the ability to make a gift registry for everyday stuff, but they also have the standard wedding and baby registries. For the baby registry, about 8 weeks before your bundle is due to arrive, you receive a 15% coupon to use on the items in your registry. ***Keep in mind however, that not all items will be eligible AND you can only use the discount on ONE order. *** The husband and I are eyeing the Diono Radian RXT for our older child and not only is the $233 list price cheaper than anywhere else, it is eligible for the 15% discount. Amazon is not always the lowest price, even when shipping is considered. This time it is so far and we will probably be getting that item, as well as our monitor, from Amazon. Our infnat carrier on the other hand is cheaper at Toys R Us at the moment, so it still pays to shop around. Don't just go to Amazon and assume you are getting the lowest price out there. Some items can actually be listed for much more than stores like Target, Walmart, etc. So as always, do your price comparisons!!

For info on Amazon's registries click here

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