Journey towards Organization Part 3

Well so far my life has not fallen apart by any means, but it sure hasn't gotten streamlined much either!

It's been more complicated that I expected trying to homeschool two kids at once. I have been experimenting with different approaches like doing all the school work for one child before starting with the other, trading off (one lesson for child A followed by a lesson for child B then repeat), both doing the same subject at the same time, and then both doing different things at the same time.
So far I haven't found one method that works everyday for every lesson. Some lessons are very easy for one of the kids to do on their own, some lessons require me sitting with them the entire time.
At this point my goal is just to get each child through a days worth of lessons before I have to make dinner!

On to some successes though!
My laundry room cabinets are much neater and more organized. In one cabinet I have my table linens and cloth napkins, napkin rings and on the upper shelves some decorations for different holidays-the kind I am afraid to pack in a box for fear they will emerge broken. In the other cabinet I have bedsheets, pillow cases and on an upper shelf old Halloween costumes that I don't want to forget I have!

The organized bins in the living room for the kids toys and the bins they have in their room are working well still. I am really considering having my Husband instal locks and wooden dowels in the living room bins like he did in their room so that I don't end up with all 9 bins emptied out on the floor-my older kids never do this but the 2 year old and newly minted 1 year old are more inclined to the pull, dump and play method of having a good time.
My spice cabinet is beautiful-labels show where each spice goes but the pantry is not so organized. It is hard to label wire racks and just where items end up depends on shopping trips-sometimes we need a lot of space for cereals and snacks and sometimes we need more room for canned goods and boxed sides.

Goals for this month: To find a more consistent method for organizing my desk. It can go from spotless to buried in less than a day and then the clean up before my Husband walks through the door is rushed and papers end up lost in the shuffle and/or put away in an incorrect location.

It's amazing how a simple word- organized- can be so hard to accomplish! Hopefully I can keep trying and get a little closer each day to having a more organized home and life.

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