My family recently went on our first family vacation in a long time.
My recently turned 5 year old was not even 1 when we went on our last vacation that wasn't a couple nights less than 2 hours from our home. We were gone for a week which meant that we had a lot of packing and planning to do. I have to say that I was really grateful for my new-found menu planning. I was totally excited to figure out the meals we would be having for the week we were gone (without planning out every meal for a specific day mind you). It was great. We had plenty of food and didn't forget anything monumental (although, I must confess the Hubs had to pick up some chili powder. But in my defense it was his recipe for a BBQ meat and I have no clue what he uses)
When we came home however I quickly realized how helpful my menu planning (and the every-other-week shopping trips) were to reducing stress in our home.
Since we knew we would be gone for a week we made sure to use up the perishables in the house. We didn't come home to wasted produce, mushy bananas or too-old-to-eat leftovers tucked away in the fridge. But that means we also came home to no cereal, no eggs and no fresh fruit or veggies. We had taken along some of our own pantry items like pasta noodles, seasonings and things we knew we would use up like snack our pantry was pretty bare and our fridge was too. We did have meat in the freezer but without fresh produce I felt pretty stuck in my menu planning-just like I felt everyday it seemed before I scheduled trips to the store to replenish our fresh food stash.
Having to scramble and make last minute trips to our overpriced local grocery store or pick up take out because nothing we have sounds good has only served as a reminder why I started meal planning in the first place. I can't wait to sit down and figure out what I need to get and start setting up my menus again. It was so nice knowing that I had around 10 meals already figured out and the ingredients on hand so that I can switch things around if I feel like it. Dinner time was less stressful and my husband appreciated that I wasn't texting him at 4 p.m. asking what he wanted or if he could pick up a pizza on his way home.
I think the next challenge I am going to try to tackle is a schedule for myself and the kids during the weekdays. For a long time I have struggled with getting things done in a timely manner without the stress of last minute cleaning, washing or cramming a bunch of lessons for the kids at end of the day or having them spill over onto the weekends. My husband has told me for years that I need a routine/schedule and I have made attempts at one but I never stick with it. I know that it is in part due to my lack of motivation to stick with it (I don't like HAVING to do something especially at a specific, predetermined time) but I also know that the methods I have tried might not work for me. In my defense I also have a nursing child most of the time and anyone who has had a nursing infant knows that you can't always schedule feedings and naps or blow-outs that require full outfit changes and baths in the middle of a busy day.
Anyone have any suggestions on a schedule that works for a stay at home mom with 2 kids she is home schooling?
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